Thankfully I can say I have come out stronger, and hopefully a better person. I feel like my experiences this year brought me down to my core beliefs on life, God, love, and everything in between. I could go on for hours about all this (and trust me I do if you get me started :) ) but instead I have opted to just show you some of my favorite pictures from this year.
So…here goes:
First up would have to be New Zealand! Went in May. LOVED it. These pictures don't do it justice at all, but they're the best I've got.

This would be Coromandel. If it looks familiar and you are a fan of The Chronicles of Narnia, this is the beach they come out on in Prince Caspian. Absolutely Breathtaking.
Yep, we sea kayaked there.
I refer to this as our "heaven" spot. After sea kayaking our guide set up a little picnic with hot chocolate and cookies and we just sat and soaked it all in.
(For Danielle and Barbara...NaaaRNIA!)

So Danielle and I thought New Zealand looked a lot like Jurassic Park...
Therefore...we are raptors :)
This was a hike we went on through some geysers and hot springs.
We went on a Dolphin watching Cruise. I was giddy like a five year old and didn't have a care in the world.

The Dolphin Cruise through the Bay of Islands took us to an island with a very large hill that of course we climbed. This is the view we found. Can't even tell you how stunning it was.

Sadly I can't remember the name of this beach, but it was black sand..which was just gorgeous. And that would be the Caspian Sea right there :)
And finally, I just call this our happy picture. We were SO happy there.
And now, for some ROOMMATE pictures! I am so blessed to have friends who aren't afraid to be dorks (as evidenced by these pictures) and just laugh about life...

So this actually was Halloween...but we have no qualms with dressing up on other occasions as well.

Superheros. Yes, we are super cool. Dont doubt it.
Of course I must add some HIKING adventures. Always a highlight.
Top of Angel's Landing. This was such a fun trip!
Just thought this picture was beautiful with the water coming down. This was on the Hidden Canyon hike in Zion's.
I had the opportunity to DANCE in the Mormon Tabernacle Choir Christmas Concert featuring David Archuleta and Michael York. Amazing experience. Definitely brought the true spirit of Christmas to my life, made some wonderful friends, and it opened up some great dancing opportunities for me for the future which I'm excited about!
We felt like dolls in these costumes :)
You may not be able to tell, but I'm standing in the Conference Center right in front of the organ, way up behind where MoTab sits on the stage.
And finally, I just have to add a picture of my FAMILY. They've been so supportive this year and my brother and I have gotten even closer through experiences we've both gone through. I feel so blessed to be so close to all of them.
So there you go...some snippets of my life this past year! I didn't include everything here, and there were most definitely several people left out that made a huge impact on me this year.
Some of the most important happenings of this year couldn't be captured on a camera, and maybe can't even be put into words. Like I said, it's been a year of change. Overall when I think about this past year I just feel so BLESSED. I laugh about the good times, find strength and learning in the sorrows, and am just so grateful for my family, friends, and the gospel.